#Washington approves funds for #subversion in #Cuba and border wall in #Mexico

Publicado por Alma

The omnibus spending bill approved by the United States Congress last week includes $20 million USD for subversion against Cuba. Photo: The Washington

By  | informacion@granma.cu

The omnibus spending bill approved by the United States Congress last week, to fund the government until mid-2018, includes $20 million USD for subversion against Cuba and $600 million for border security with Mexico, which President Donald Trump plans to use to build a wall.

The amount of money allocated to promote regime change in Cuba, camouflaged under the euphemistic term “democracy programs,” contrasts with the massive cuts to the State Department and United States foreign aid to developing countries.

The funds for subversion were cut by Trump in the 2017 fiscal year, although the real amount dedicated to attacks on Cuba is much greater and comes from varied sources other than Congress.

The controversial Helms-Burton Act of 1996 established the obligation to grant money to these destabilizing programs against the island. Each administration since then has varied the exact figure, which ranges on average between 10 and 20 million dollars.

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Cuban #Mail Service Condemns #US Group for #Subversion in #Cuba

Published by Alma

By Prensa Latina

Workers from the Cuban mail service strongly condemned today the creation of the Internet Operation Group, fostered by the United States to subvert the internal system in Cuba.

‘The US group seeks to promote destabilizing messages against the order established in Cuba and attack the legitimacy of the Government,’ said the statement posted on the Cuban mail service website.

‘Therefore, we strongly condemn this US strategy against Cuba on the Web, because it is a result of a change of policy toward Cuba seeking to tighten the blockade and limit the relations between the two countries,’ said the document.

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Cuban Residents in #France Condemn #US Subversive Project

Published by Alma

By Prensa Latina

The Coordinating Committee of Cuban residents in France has condemned today the announcement by U.S. President Donald Trump to create an Internet operating group to promote subversion against the Caribbean country.

‘The Cuban residents in France join to our people once again in the unanimous protest against the North American interventionist policy,’ a statement from the group said.

According to the text, the main objective of Trump’s measures is to try to reverse the political and social system, decided by the Cubans in a sovereign and democratic way.

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#Cuba Protests Attempts of #US to Undermine its Sovereignty

Published by Alma

By Prensa Latina

Cuba protested before U.S. diplomatic authorities for attempts of that country to undermine the sovereignty of the Caribbean nation in its competence to regulate flows of information, according to a note published here today.

According to local media, this Wednesday the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Relations (Minrex) handed the charge d’affaires of the U.S. embassy in Havana, Lawrence Gumbiner, a note of protest for his government’s pretension of violating in a flagrant way Cuba’s sovereignty for the use of the media.

Also, the document sent to the State Department through the Cuban embassy in Washington, rejects the attempts of manipulating Internet to carry out illegal programs with political and subversion aims, as part of the U.S. actions destined to alter or change Cuba’s constitutional order.

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#Cuba Denounces at #UN Attacks from #US #Radio and #Television

Published by Alma

Image: Telecubanacán

By Prensa Latina

Cuba has denounced  at the Committee on Information of the United Nations the ongoing attack on the island through radio and television from the United States.

During her speech at the 38th session of the committee, Cuban Ambassadress Anayansi Rodriguez said that the US airwaves aggression that has been going on during several US presidential administrations is against the goals and principles included in the UN Charter, as well as the regulations of the International Telecommunications Union.

‘Through illegal broadcasts the Cuban radio and telecommunication specter has been attacked from US territory with the aim of trying to oust the constitutional order set up by the Cuban population’, said Rodriguez.

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#USA Is Denounced for Financing Subversive Actions against #Venezuela

Published by Alma 

By Prensa Latina

Vice President of the United Socialist Party (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, denounced the use of one million 611 thousand dollars to undertake destabilizing actions in Venezuela during 2016, from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

The deputy for the Bloque de la Patria said last night, during the broadcast of his television program Con el Mazo Dando, that this money was used to finance coup, psychological and economic warfare actions against the South American nation.

He emphasized that this contribution of money for destabilizing actions in Latin American countries is the second most important that the NED did to terrorist organizations in 2016, only surpassed by the one against Cuba, which reached the figure of 5 million 612 thousand to develop subversive activities against the government of the Caribbean island

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#U.S. Presidential Directive on #Cuba: Ten key questions

Published by Alma

Photo: Getty Images

Photo: Getty Images

Author: | internet@granma.cu

The directive issued by President Barack Obama, October 14, describes the blockade as an “outdated policy that had failed to advance U.S. interests.” Will Washington ever recognize that the blockade has been an illegal and unjust policy of aggression which has caused Cuba billions of dollars in economic damages and incalculable human losses? Is the U.S. willing to compensate the Cuban people for these losses?

Losses caused by the U.S blockade of Cuba (April 2015 through April 2016):

Health: $82,723,876 Five million dollars more than last year

Food: $605,706,289 The greatest impact is seen in the increased price of seeds, fertilizers, and replacement parts from agricultural and other types of machinery.

Culture: $29,483,800 The U.S. could be Cuba’s main source market for an important group of raw materials, resources, tools and equipment for the country’s artists, artisans and designers, if the blockade didn’t exist.

Education: $1,245,000 The Ministry of Education suffered losses in the cited period, due to the increased cost of sourcing supplies from markets further a field.

Construction: $30,868,200 Key losses in this sector are related to the island’s inability to access more efficient, lighter and energy-friendly construction technologies.

Biotechnology: $171,665,136 Total losses caused by the blockade have reached an enormous figure.

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