#Genocide #Washington Style – #Venezuela Next?

Published by Alma

By Peter Koenig

Why does nobody dare to pronounce the term “Genocide” in connection with the Washington committed atrocities around the globe? – If there is one nation that is guilty of mass-murder it is the United States of America and her Zionist handlers. But nobody seems to pay attention. Or, rather, nobody dares to say so. It has become the new normal. Enshrined in people’s brains. The exceptional nation can do whatever she wants, whenever she wants and wherever she wants – sowing wars and conflicts, killing millions and millions of people, blaming Russia and China – and of course, Iran, Venezuela, Syria, Cuba, North Korea and the list of disobedient countries goes on.

When Mr. Tillerson is openly calling for a military coup in Venezuela, he is inciting genocide in this peaceful southern neighbor. This means, for those who are listening, like the Capriles and Co., that they can count on US support, which of course they knew all along. But now its official, when the US Secretary of State openly calls for a military intervention – he calls for blood – he is provoking a blood bath. That’s genocide. By definition, he is a murderer. Yet, he goes free.

You imagine, anybody else who would do that throughout the globe – any other politician of Tillerson’s ranking, who is not bending to Washington’s rules, will be on Washington’s hit list, and might expect a deadly drone, or poison potion – or whatever else the CIA does best to ‘neutralize’ inconvenient people. Yet, nobody dares even thinking of putting Tillerson before an international tribunal, let alone of neutralizing him.

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#Cuba Hosts International Meeting for #Peace without Military Bases

Published by Alma

By  Nuriem De Armas/Prensa latina

To reaffirm Latin America and the Caribbean as a Zone of Peace and denounce the danger of increasing military bases around the world, more than 300 experts will gather from May 4 to 6 in Guantánamo, Cuba.

The Fifth International Seminar for Peace and the Abolition of Foreign Military Bases will be held in this eastern Cuban province, where a US naval base remains, charging the headquarters with a great symbolic significance, said in an exclusive interview with Prensa Latina, the president of the Cuban Movement for Peace, Silvio Platero.

‘Experts and scholars from more than 20 nations, including Japan, the United States, Brazil, and Colombia, among others, have already confirmed their attendance,’ he said.

He added that for that meeting the presence of Cuban specialists highly trained in military matters will increase.

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The rising tide of US militarism in the 21st century

Published by Alma

By  James Petra

From Clinton, Bush, Obama and Trump…

Introduction: US militarism expanded exponentially through the first two decades of the Twenty-First Century, and was embraced by both Democratic and Republican Presidents. The mass media’s hysteria towards President Trump’s increase in military spending deliberately ignores the vast expansion of militarism, in all its facets, under President Obama and his two predecessors, Presidents ‘Bill’ Clinton and George Bush, Jr.

We will proceed in this essay to compare and discuss the unbroken rise of militarism over the past seventeen years. We will then demonstrate that militarism is an essential structural feature of US imperialism’s insertion in the international system.


Vast increases in military spending have been a constant regardless of who was President of the United States, and regardless of their popular campaign rhetoric to curb military spending in favor of the domestic economy.

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