Obama’s plan on Guantanamo

By Emmanuel Bonforti*

(Unofficial translation by Alma)

Meeting of Cuban President Raul Castro and US President Barack Obama at the UN headquarters on 29 September 2015. Photo: AP / Andrew Harnik

The proposal to close the Guantanamo prison and the impact on US domestic policy. The role of the mass media. Story of a long-standing occupation and need the support of Latin America.

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About meningitis B vaccine in UK: Guilty of dishonesty?

Por Alma

November 29, 1989: Cuban vaccine effectiveness in Brazil

Recent BBC, EFE and El Mundo publications have ensured that Britain is a world leader, since last September, in the development of an immunization campaign funded by a government against meningococcus B. However, almost 30 years ago Cuba was the first country in the world to launch a massive immunization campaign against this serogroup of the bacteria using a national preparation, until recently unique in the world.

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