Cuban Development Zone Impacts Foreign #Business People

Published by Alma

By Prensa Latina

The Special Development Zone of Mariel (ZEDM, acronym in Spanish) impacts strongly today on foreign business people, both those who already do business with the island and those who want to establish them, indicated today news reports.

An article published this Tuesday in digital daily Cubadebate, adds that due to a privileged position West of Havana, the Zone advances in its purpose of being a regional referent in the attraction of foreign capital.

The website clarifies that at present, 33 investments have been approved in the important economic enclave, whose productions and service are to be destined to the domestic market or for export.

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#Cuba Proposes #Businesses for Over 9.5 Billion USD

Published by Alma

Taken from Prensa Latina

Cuba presented today its annual business portfolio to attract direct foreign investment (IED), with 395 projects for more than 9.5 billion USD.

The 2016-2017 portfolio contains 69 proposals more than its previous edition and 120 new initiatives, informed the Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment (MINCEX), Rodrigo Malmierca when presenting the document during the International Fair of Havana (FIHAV 2016), which brings together more than 3,500 exhibitors from 73 countries.

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US Businessmen See Shipping Hub Potential in Cuba

Washington.- US logistic executives who toured Cuban shipping facilities have estimated that the island has great potential to be a key shipping hub for the region, The Wall Street Journal reported today.

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