#Biomodulin T, one of 22 medicines to treat #COVID-19 in #Cuba

Published by Alma

Biomodulina T does not prevent contagion with the new coronavirus, but rather helps stimulate the immune systems of individuals in vulnerable groups, to improve their response in case of infection, and reduce complications. Photo: Granma


A safe drug, developed and produced in Cuba, to treat infected patients and as a preventive for at-risk groups

Cuban biotechnology has been a subject of international interest for decades.

Despite hostile policies toward our country maintained by the United States government since January 1, 1959, the foresight of Comandante en jefe Fidel Castro Ruz led to the development of science and technology in Cuba, now pillars of society, and recognized worldwide, putting us in favorable conditions to confront the global COVID-19 pandemic.

In the context of the battle against this contagious disease, a reference institution within our biotechnology industry, the National Center for Biopreparations (Biocen), has confirmed its status as a leader among suppliers of drugs needed to fight the new coronavirus, responsible for all production on the island of the key medication Recombinant Human Interferon Alpha 2b. Another important product, unique to the center, Biomodulina T is manufactured on a large scale at the center’s plants, as well

Tamara Lobaina Rodríguez, Biocen’s general director, explained that the latter is an immunomodulator made from natural products, which has proven effectiveness in the treatment of respiratory diseases in older adults, which led to its inclusion on the Ministry of Public Health’s list of 22 medicines to be used to treat COVID-19 in Cuba.

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